VeLCoMe To MY...........
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aBouT Moi!!

um i'll say hi to ppl that ROCK! My cousin in England- HALEY ur da best babe! thanx for all ur help!!! i love youuuuuuuuuuuu  ;)

My best friends-  LES OFF THE DIAL, KIMMY, JEN, SAM, BEC, LANA you guys are the most beautiful people in the entire world, dont ever change cos you are all perfect and you guys mean absolutely everything to me!
and LLOYD! Baby we have our ups and downs and have stuck together through the good times and all thro the bad times. We have proved we really can be strong together. To me,u are the biggest sweetie in the world and thank you for always being there no matter what, helping me and letting me talk through anything and (on the whole) treating me so well! i love you so much baby. You are not only my boyfriend, but my best friend as well. You are my everything and i dont want to know what it would be like to exist without you by my side. I'll love you always. xoxoxoxox 

The History or Story Behind My Site.........
huh?! well once upon a time...there was an internet site called...CMON!!! the history of this site?! theres no history i just decided to make a webpage ok!!!!
